
Thursday, June 6, 2013

All Nations

  As I sit outside of Westminster Abbey soaking up the sun I begin to recall last summer's visit to this astounding priory. Like so many other sites and monuments I have revisited nothing has changed. The church still stands as strong and influential as before. This time though the Abbey holds a special meaning for me, serving as a reminder of the sermon I heard here on Sunday. The speaker, Reverend Dr. John Hall, happened to cite one of my favorite Bible verses, Psalm 67:1-2 (which can actually be seen at the bottom of my blog page). This verse declares that the name of Jesus be known among all the nation, and I don't believe that the Reverend reading this verse was any coincidence. Instead I choose to think that God wanted me to hear this verse again; He wanted to remind me of why I am so passionate about traveling. Which there are several reasons why I love to travel, but the most important of them all being so I can spread His name across the nations.

  Just yesterday I noticed someone eating out of a trashcan a truly heartbreaking scene to watch, and it was here in London of all places (not exactly a poor city). And although I do have a desire to work with young girls and education, I also feel a call to work in countries that aren't exactly "third world". It first occurred to me while I was studying in Spain last summer that there is a great need for the love of Jesus in "first world" European countries. A majority of the people here do call themselves Catholic; however, very few of them actually practice the faith. And because of this I have found there is a necessity for missionaries beyond the plains of Africa and beyond the impoverished. I am by no means disregarding the needs of the poor; God commands us to tend to the orphans and widows. But lately I have been struggling to find a way to weave together both callings. I wish to provide for the poor as well as share the gospel with the wealthy. Both of these groups are desperately in need of the love of Jesus Christ. We all are, and if I were to leave either group out than I feel that I am falling short of what God has called me to do. Psalm 67 doesn't say just a few nations or one nation; it says "among all nations".

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us - so that Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations." Psalm 67:1-2

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27

Westminster Abbey:

The oldest door in Britain, built in 1050!!


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