
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Out of Place

  My teacher gave us an assignment to find an object that inspires us and then to write about the object. I found a few items that I thought to be interesting, but every "inspiring" idea sounded cliché. I didn't want to write something that has already been written a thousand times before; instead I wanted to share something more original. 

 One of my "inspiring" objects was a single white tulip in a flower bed amongst hundreds of purple violets in the Holyrood gardens. I figured I could write about how the tulip is out of place amongst the other flowers and compare it to how I feel out of place here in Scotland. But truth be told, I don't feel out of place; in fact I feel very in place. 

  That is not to mean that I never get out of my comfort zone here abroad. Indeed I do become overwhelmed at times and wish that I could simply curl up in my own bed and watch Disney movies all morning. Traveling is both within and without my comfort zone. For me it is nothing to hop on a plane and fly or to eat something as "gross" as haggis. However, travel forces me to build confidence and to believe in my own abilities, something I constantly struggle with back home. 

  Before I left for England I was really burnt out. I had just finished the last semester of my junior year and was worn out from late night study sessions and preparing for this trip. And though after a week’s worth of being on the go I still feel exhausted, it is a satisfying exhaustion. Every night when I collapse onto my bed I have a sense of accomplishment and peace. Despite having done nothing world changing I feel rejuvenated, and I long for more adventures. 

  I believe that I have this fulfillment from a long day of walking foreign roads because I am passionate about travel, and by pursing God's calling for my life I find satisfaction. Again I feel in place. And though the culture is different than my own, the people are not. No matter where I am I can count on seeing a person laugh until their face turns red or watching tears trickle down when their hearts are filled with sympathy. If that is not enough to bind us together the need for God is. Every smiling and burdened person is in search for His love and comfort and until one finds it, they remain out of place. I; however, and one of the lucky ones. I have found my place.

"If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there." -Psalm 139:8

From Edinburgh Castle: 

View of "Arthur's Seat"

The University of Edinburgh

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