
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Taste of the South

  My fellow travelers and I are back in England, and though I am excited for our upcoming adventures in London, I miss Scotland! Edinburgh was much more relaxed and slower placed than this big New York like city. In fact it reminded me of my southern suburban town back in the States.

  Unlike here in London, we didn't have to worry about being trampled over if we weren't standing on the right side of the escalator or sprinting fast enough to catch the train that hasn't even arrived yet. The Scottish were also much more open compared to the reserved English. It was no problem to strike up some small talk with them while waiting in line to tour the Edinburgh castle or when sharing a seat on the bus. They were just as much interested in us Americans as we were in them, and were always willing to share their home with us.

  Besides hospitality, we Southerners have our thick accents in common with the Scots. They are two completely different styles, but nonetheless theirs were equally strong forcing me to question whether they actually were speaking English (I'm sure they had the same question). But despite needing a translator for most conversations, I did manage to catch our bus driver, Kevin, mention how the Scots love watching Duck Dynasty. He even confessed that he believes every family needs their very own Wise Man Si. (Please note: I myself do not watch Duck Dynasty so the fact that a Scotsman knows more about this show than someone actually from American is pretty ironic)

  So between our love for watching duck hunters on television, welcoming everyone with open arms, and taking our sweet time getting places we southerners have a lot in common with the Scots. (Makes me proud to say that I am both). And though London has personality and beauty all its own, I admit it was nice to have a little taste of the south here in the U.K. The only things missing were the hot summer sun, a tall glass of sweet tea, and somebody blessing someone else's heart.

Missing Scotland so much:

J.K. Rowling's inspiration for Diagon Alley

The path to Holyrood

Celtic Symbols at the Holyrood Abbey

Abbey in Jedburgh

Lots of Fairbairn sightings in Scotland

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