
Monday, May 6, 2013

My Summer in London

"All in all London was great, and I would really love to come back when I have a little more time. Four days just wasn't enough to fit in all things I would like to do, you know the things like hunting down Prince William and reuniting the Spice Girls..."

   Last July when I wrote those words in my post Let The Games Begin, I truly believed that I would one day return to London; however, I never thought I would be going back so soon. In a couple weeks I will once again be leaving my little southern town and making my way to Europe. This time around I will be studying at Regent's University and learning all there is to know about British Literature. Although a small part of me (okay okay a large part of me) wishes that I was returning to Spain, I am so thankful and excited to revisit England and see Scotland for the first time.
   I admit as much as I love to travel I almost did not go on this trip. Back in October when I first heard about it I was giddy with excitement and ready to go, but by November the trip no longer seemed plausible. I had just blown a good majority of my savings in Spain and in addition to a lack of
funds, I was feeling a lot of discouragement. In December I was offered scholarship money that would have helped aid in making the trip possible but me being the stubborn person that I am, still was not going. A few weeks later over Christmas break, I was given another opportunity to sign up for the trip (past the given deadline I might add) again I was set on not going. It's not that I didn't want to go because I did. (Believe me, I did!) It still just didn't seem possible and it felt irresponsible at the time. But after a long phone call with my mom I finally found the answer I was hoping for.
   I believe that God gave me the green light for this trip because He is preparing something BIG! I honestly don't have a clue to what it might be, but why else would He have granted me so many opportunities and paved the way for me to return to England. On this trip I know I am going to experience London more in depth than any poor college student on her own could, and I know that I am going to better my writing skills as I soak up British history and culture. I look forward to visiting Edinburgh and seeing where my great grand-father was born and possibly meeting another person who can correctly pronounce my last name on the first try (a rare occasion here in the States). But most of all I am looking forward to whatever this BIG thing is that God has in store, not just for me but for the whole group that is going.


Summer Olympics 2012
London Eye at night
I met Johnny Depp (well his doppelganger)

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