
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fears and Flying

   I. do. not. like. birds. They are just terrifying creatures for one (like the tower from yesterday, birds just scream scary movie to me), and I am always paranoid that they are going to take care of their "business" on my shoulder. So if I don't like birds so much then why did I decide to run at them and make them scatter? No, it was not because I was suddenly filled with the courage to overcome my fear. Instead I was simply being foolish, and to my unfortunate surprise the birds decided to take revenge and fly back at me. I repeat I. DO NOT. like. birds.

   So why am I sharing this fowl story with you? Well mostly because there is picture evidence of my ridiculous adventure, and I would like to just go ahead and own up to it rather then have it held against me as blackmail. But I am also writing about the bird incident because it is crucial to overcome your fears. It is terribly cliché, but people need to dream BIG!!

   I want to travel; I have a passion for learning about all types of cultures and people. I wish to share with them the love of Jesus, and in order to do that I must know what they believe first. I need to and want to know how they live on a daily basis, and what better way to learn that then through travel?

  Although I truly believe God has called me to a life that involves adventuring across the globe, it is scary for me to think about my dreams of exploring the world being unattainable. I want it so badly that it worries me to think I might not have it. Yet at the same time I am terrified of following my dreams. What if I fail? What if I miss my family and friends? Is this truly what God is calling me towards? What about the life that I love back in the U.S? Despite these ever growing fears I can't let it over take me. I must be bold and courageous! And though I still do not like these feathery winged monsters, I can certainly learn a lesson from them. Fly in the direction of your fears.

Beware of the birds in London: They are not easily frightened

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9

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