
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Let the Games Begin

 Let the games begin! No, I am not making a reference to the Hunger Games, I'm talking about the London 2012 Olympics! I have spent that last few days in London watching the city prepare for the big event that starts this Friday. Unfortunately, I leave tomorrow and will just have to settle for watching the games on tv, but it was still fun to see where the events will be taking place. Just earlier today I took a tour of Olympic Park and saw the main stadium, as well as the aquatic center and the athlete's training ground.
  In addition to everything Olympic related, I also did a few of those typical touristy things like going for a ride on the London Eye and snapping some picture of Big Ben. I even tried fish and chips while I was here, despite the fact that I hate fish. All in all London was great, and I would really love to come back when I have a little more time. Four days just wasn't enough to fit in all things I would like to do, you know the things like hunting down Prince William and reuniting the Spice Girls...

The Olympic Rings

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Where In the World

 Definitely ready to relax in my hotel room after a long day of travel. Yup that's right, I said hotel room. You didn't think just because I was leaving Spain, it meant I was headed back to the States. Well if you did you thought wrong. There is still one last stop on my journey, and I bet you are wondering where in the world I am now. Well, you will have to wait until my next blog post to find out, because for now I am going to write about my last day in Spain. But I will leave you with a little hint...

Friday, July 20, 2012

She Has Not Abandoned Me

 Once upon a time (the 13th century) in a far away kingdom (Spain) there lived a King (Alfonso X). And one day the King's son, Sancho, attacked his father in hopes to win over the throne. However, his plans failed due to the loyalty of one particular city. Any guesses to what city it might have been? Well, Seville of course! After, the battle with his son, King Alfonso rewarded the town's loyalty with a gift, NO8DO. To this day the random group of symbols acts as the motto of Seville, and can be found everywhere you turn within the city. So what exactly does NO8DO mean? It translates to "no me ha dejado", "She has not abandoned me".
 I can't believe (more like refuse to believe) today is my last day in Spain. My time here has been absolutely amazing, and I am in love with Seville. I admit i'm probably a little biased after spending eight weeks here, but it is definitely my favorite city in all of Spain. The town is so beautiful and full of history and life. I am going to miss it so much when I leave tomorrow. But instead of dwelling on the fact that I have yet to finish packing or that the hours I have left here are dwindling down, I am going to go enjoy my time with friends and experience the city for one last day. Hasta luego Espana. You will never abandon me.

She has not abandoned me

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sevillian Bucket List

  This past week has been pretty relaxed here in Spain. Therefore, since I don't have much to write about I am going to give you a list of things you should do in case you ever decide to visit Seville (which you definitely should do).

- Learn to flamenco (literally translated flamingo) or at least go see a Flamenco show. In June I took a flamenco class (technically it was Sevillana folk dance, but it is very similar) and let's just say learning the dance of the flamingos isn't as easy as it looks. Especially if you are me and have a major case of clumsiness.

Flamenco Show at Casa de la Memoria